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Chimney Cleaning

According to www.ct.gov,

"Creosote, the black or brown residue of combustion that collects on the inner surfaces of a chimney flue liner, is highly flammable. If allowed to build up, it can catch fire, causing cracks in "fireproof" brick, stone or clay flue liners and allow heat to reach nearby wood framing and other combustible materials in your home. A dirty chimney is the cause of many house fires each year.  Your fire department recommends a chimney cleaning at least once per year.”  

Chimney Stainless Steel Liner Install

Many brick chimneys have the common clay liner in them which protects the outer bricks from collecting creosote and damaging the chimney.  Without liners, the “average” wear and tear becomes greater.  Clay liners eventually become damaged and would need to be replaced as the chimney continues to be used for burning purposes.    With stainless steel liners, you no longer need to worry about replacing your clay liner for the protection of your chimney becomes much greater.    We offer both round and square stainless steel liners of every size.

Chimney Repair

Every chimney experiences normal wear and tear.  Occasionally, the bricks that form the chimney start to chip and become damaged.  This can cause safety issues and possibly lead to infestation of insects and/or rodents.

Chimney Build
With the rise in gas prices, having a chimney built in your home can allow you to save money in the long run.     
